Personal approach with proven results

Working together to understand your goals and paths to future success.

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Our task is to make you noticeable

Structuring and building your online social media and web presence.

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Managing overall branding strategies

Building consistency, process and brand reputation for online and offline engagements.

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[row] [span12] [lazy_load_box effect=”fade” speed=”800″ delay=”200″] [banner img=”” banner_link=”about” title=”Hello there.” text=”We invite you to discover more about us  and how we are able to assist your business growth.” btn_text=”ABOUT US” target=”_self” custom_class=”extra” ] [/lazy_load_box] [/span12] [/row] [content_box] [row] [span4] [lazy_load_box effect=”slidefromleft” speed=”800″ delay=”200″] [service_box title=”WEB” subtitle=”DESIGN” icon=”icon1″ text=”Affordable creative website design. Establish your online business presence or revitalise an existing service to become compatible with multimedia phones and tablets.” btn_text=”read more” btn_link=”website-packages” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self” custom_class=”info_box”] [/lazy_load_box] [/span4] [span4] [lazy_load_box effect=”fade” speed=”800″ delay=”200″] [service_box title=”WEB” subtitle=”HOSTING” icon=”icon2″ text=”Managed Hosting for your Internet Domain Services (WWW, EMAIL, FTP). We can provision and manage secure, scaleable hosted servers in Australia & North America.” btn_text=”read more” btn_link=”hosting-packages/” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self” custom_class=”info_box”] [/lazy_load_box] [/span4] [span4] [lazy_load_box effect=”slidefromright” speed=”800″ delay=”200″] [service_box title=”BUSINESS” subtitle=”PROCESS” icon=”icon3″ text=”Providing expert assistance and subject matter leadership for your business process programs. Helping improve the efficiency and performance of your business.” btn_text=”read more” btn_link=”business-process-improvement/business-process-management/” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self” custom_class=”info_box”] [/lazy_load_box] [/span4] [/row] [/content_box] [row] [span3] [lazy_load_box effect=”slidefromleft” speed=”800″ delay=”200″] [hero_unit title=”WHAT WE OFFER” text=”We offer you affordable services. Website design, development, branding, marketing and business services tailored to your needs.” btn_text=”read more” btn_link=”empirenet/what-we-offer” btn_style=”primary” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self”] [/lazy_load_box] [/span3] [span3] [lazy_load_box effect=”slidefromleft” speed=”800″ delay=”200″] [hero_unit title=”WHY
CHOOSE US?” text=”Not all agencies are created equal. You want experts who are focused, skilled, work efficiently and to the highest ethical standards on your projects.” btn_text=”read more” btn_link=”empirenet/why-choose-us” btn_style=”primary” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self”] [/lazy_load_box] [/span3] [span6] [lazy_load_box effect=”slidefromright” speed=”800″ delay=”200″] [tabs direction=”top” tab1=”Social Media” tab2=”WEB Design” tab3=”SEO”] [tab1]
Social Media provides important online communication channels for your website.

The use of internet-based social media programs to make connections with friends, family, classmates, customers and clients is becomming ever more important as we try to enhance our brand rapport with the community. Together we will work to identify which social media avenues will provide the most value based on your business goals and budget.

[/tab1] [tab2]
Web Design is the process of creating your website to align with your business.

Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites. We can work with you to help with the planning and production of your Web site; including technical development, information structure, visual design, content authoring, domain registration and networked delivery.

[/tab2] [tab3]
Search Engine Optimisation is one of the most important aspects of your website.

Ranking highly in the searches of Google & Bing is paramount to your online success. Working in collaboration we will identify your keywords and phrases that help distinguish your business from the competition. We will then work with your content and tailor it around these phrases to maximise your search potential.

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Recent Client Projects & Engagements

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