A Few Words About Us
EmpireNET is a privately owned business operating since 1994.
Welcome to EmpireNET your number one source for IT, Marketing, Graphics Design, Social Media, Security Architecture, Multi-media, Website design and Internet Hosting. We’re dedicated to giving you quality affordable outcomes and exceptional customer service.
Founded in 1994, EmpireNET has come a long way from its humble beginnings offering Dial-up Internet Access, Website Design and Domain Hosting Services. EmpireNET has always operated as a group of talented designers, engineers and developers who love creating. Our creations are a means to help promote your business in the online world. Since those early days, the business has continued to expand into the areas of Information Technology, Design, Social Media Marketing, and Business Performance Improvement Services.
We know how to do website design which is powerful enough to help our clients get started in establishing an online presence, and we can always work within your budget. We now provide a global service for customers in both Australia and North America. We are thrilled to have added ManageMybrand™, TemplateMyWebsite™ and MyWebtecs™ to our already expansive list of service offerings.
It is our hope that you will enjoy our products and services as much as our team of consultants enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Our consultants are keen to work with you on your next project.
[button text=”Contact us” link=”contacts” style=”link” size=”normal” target=”_self” display=”inline” icon=”no”] [/span8] [span4]Mission & values
Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose and serves as the standard against which we can measure our actions and be held accountable for our decisions.
[custom_list]- [dropcap]01[/dropcap] INSPIRE MUTUAL COOPERATION. Working closely with our business partners and clients for mutual rewards, benefits and ongoing success.
- [dropcap]02[/dropcap] CREATE MOMENTS OF OPTIMISM & HAPPINESS. Understanding that strength can be found in adversity and that mutually overcoming these can result in happiness.
- [dropcap]03[/dropcap] ESTABLISH ACCOUNTABLE VALUES To abide by a moral code of ethical practices in all business and social activities.
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[row] [span4] [service_box title=”FRESH” subtitle=”SOLUTIONS” icon=”icon4″ text=”We pride ourselves on being able to offer fresh solutions and new perspectives by focusing on lean and agile methodologies that provide cost effective solutions to your business needs quickly.” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self” custom_class=”info”] [/span4] [span4] [service_box title=”MEASURABLE” subtitle=”RESULTS” icon=”icon5″ text=”Measures help benchmark the success of your project. We analyze your project data, interpret the results and prepare clear statements of findings and conclusions..” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self” custom_class=”info”] [/span4] [span4] [service_box title=”PERSONABLE” subtitle=”SERVICE” icon=”icon6″ text=”We are dedicated to providing all clients with personable service that is focused, transparent, listens to your needs and achieves the best outcomes for your business.
.” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self” custom_class=”info”] [/span4] [/row] [content_box custom_class=”box_1″] [row] [span12]